How one can Write a Small Farm Enterprise Plan
Writing a farm promoting method might very properly be a instrument so to plan your farming enterprise. It’d even be a requirement of securing grants and loans to your farm…
Writing a farm promoting method might very properly be a instrument so to plan your farming enterprise. It’d even be a requirement of securing grants and loans to your farm…
Maybe you’ve been raising laying hens for your family and wanted to expand, or perhaps you’re starting fresh with a new flock and already know you want to get into…
Proper hoof care is essential to any domesticated horse‘s overall comfort and health, but the question of whether a horse need shoes depends on the individual animal. Horse owners use…
Goats are a great animal to add to your farm. They’re easy to handle, they produce a large amount of milk, and they’re also a source of low-fat meat. If…
Learn how to house and fence your goats on the small farm. Goats, whether raised for meat or milk, need basic protection from the elements: snow, wind, rain, heat. They…
Growers in cold climates often utilize various approaches to extend the growing season or boost their crops, including cold frames, hoop houses, and greenhouses. Greenhouses—typically glazed structures— are often expensive…
A few strategically chosen plants can turn any boring concrete pool area into a lush tropical retreat. Plants that do best around a pool are those that thrive in a…
What are goats good for? What benefits do they provide? For small farmers, hobby farmers, and homesteaders alike, goats can be a great choice of species. They’re good for milk,…
Ladybugs, or lady beetles, are insects in the beetle family. There are about 5,000 species of these tiny insects, and most of them are quite helpful. Although best known as…
Your soil may not need it, your plants may not want it, and it’s possible to use it incorrectly. But when properly applied, wood ash can be good for plants.…